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    Redesigning a Better Life 12 weeks | Limit 3 people per intake | $3,750 PLUS TAX

    Redesigning a Better Life is about creating your own unique path and living a more fulfilling life. It means getting to the root of what truly matters to you and making conscious choices that propel you forward.

    Along the way, you’ll experience life-changing personal growth. When you improve and grow, everything else grows with you: the quality of your life, the options before you—everything improves. And you will enjoy the support, accountability, and friendship of others who are also taking the first steps on the road towards personal excellence. Prerequisite: None. 

    Our curriculum transforms lives.

    Imagine a future shaped by your goals and dreams.

    WEEK 01
    Embracing your unique story and unique self
    Learn the power in your story and the importance of growing your self worth and
    self confidence without falling to the dangers of self-centredness, self-arrogance
    and self-indulgence

    WEEK 02
    Redefining your success metrics
    Understand the success stories and success metrics that have shaped you and learn
    how to redefine success on your terms

    WEEK 03
    Articulate your personal core values
    Undertake a unique process to discover what is most important to you and develop
    a personal core value set that can be used to improve your interpersonal relationships,
    job prospects and decision making

    WEEK 04
    One-on-one session (breakthrough)
    Experience deep and personalised 1:1 coaching with James to help you break through
    challenges that hinder your growth and happiness

    WEEK 05
    Master your money mindset
    Transform your money mindset, improve the way you relate to money and use it in a
    way that aligns to your highest commitments

    WEEK 06
    Recalibrating your support village
    Reshape your “support village” of key people that that help form and shape you into
    who you desire to become and what you feel called to do

    WEEK 07
    Excel in your decision making
    Learn the guiding principles that will help you navigate the pitfalls that come with
    choice and grow in decision making excellence

    WEEK 08
    Prototype possible life pathways
    Learn and use design-thinking processes to come up with different viable options
    for your next chapter of life

    WEEK 09
    Allocate your attention
    Learn tools to intentionally direct your attention (energy, time and resources) to
    the projects and people that matter to you

    WEEK 10
    Developing your courage muscle
    Grow your ability to step out and stay on the edge of discomfort through learning
    how to step through the fears that hold you back

    WEEK 11
    Taking Your Next Steps
    Distill all your key learnings and create a personalised activation plan to help you stay
    accountable to your new life commitments

    WEEK 12
    One-on-one session
    Experience deep and personalised 1:1 coaching with James to help propel you on your
    new life trajectory

    • Online:
    • Jul 10